Clustering conformations using distances between atoms

In this example, conformations of G-Quadruplex DNA is clustered according to distances between three atom-pairs. These atom-pairs form hydrogen bonds during the simulations. However, either only one atom-pair among them could form hydrogen bond at a time or neither can form hydrogen bond. The formation of hydrogen bonds are extremely fluctuating between these atom-pairs, and therefore, clustering will filter conformations based on these hydrogen bonds and distances between atom-pairs.

Calculation of distances

At first distances between atom-pairs are calculated using gmx pairdist tool as follows.

gmx pairdist -s input.tpr -f input_traj.xtc -ref "resid 1 and atomname N7"  -sel "resid 17 and atomname H62" -o r1N7-r17H62
gmx pairdist -s input.tpr -f input_traj.xtc -ref "resid 1 and atomname H62" -sel "resid 17 and atomname N3"  -o r1H62-r17N3
gmx pairdist -s input.tpr -f input_traj.xtc -ref "resid 1 and atomname H61" -sel "resid 17 and atomname N1"  -o r1H61-r17N1

In next step, all above files are merged to a single file to use as a feature input file.

cat r1N7-r17H62.xvg  > distances.xvg
printf "\n& \n\n"   >> distances.xvg
cat r1H62-r17N3.xvg >> distances.xvg
printf "\n& \n\n"   >> distances.xvg
cat r1H61-r17N1.xvg >> distances.xvg
printf "\n& \n\n"   >> distances.xvg


echo 0 1 7 | gmx_clusterByFeatures cluster -s input.tpr -f input_traj.xtc -n input.ndx -feat distances.xvg \
                                           -method kmeans -nfeature 3 -cmetric ssr-sst -ncluster 10 -fit2central \
                                           -sort features -ssrchange 2 -cpdb clustered-trajs/central.pdb \
                                           -fout clustered-trajs/cluster.xtc -plot features_cluster.png \

K-means clustering was used with maximum number of 10 clusters (-ncluster 10). It means, clustering will be performed 10 times, and in each iteration, starting from two, one more cluster was generated. Subsequently, 5 clusters were accepted as final clusters using change in SSR/SST ratio (-cmetric ssr-sst and -ssrchange 2)


Check carefully order of index groups selected in the above command.

a. First index group - output in central structures and clustered trajectories

b. Second index group - RMSD group, here it is whole G-Quadruplex DNA.

c. Third group - Used for superposition by least-square fitting, here it is four tetrads of G-Quadruplex DNA.


Central structures of each cluster:

Cluster-ID  Central Frame   Total Frames
1           27707           15640
2           19260           8435
3           30851           6338
4           24630           5332
5           39369           4894

RMSD (nm) between central structures:

c1      c2      c3      c4      c5
0.000   0.512   0.274   0.266   0.401
0.512   0.000   0.483   0.443   0.397
0.274   0.483   0.000   0.259   0.484
0.266   0.443   0.259   0.000   0.385
0.401   0.397   0.484   0.385   0.000

Output files generated:

  1. -g cluster.log : log output containing information about the clusters.
  2. -clid clid.xvg : Cluster-id as a function of time.
  3. -fout clustered-trajs/cluster.xtc : 5 clustered trajectories were extracted with name cluster_c{ID}.xtc
  4. -cpdb clustered-trajs/central.pdb : 5 central structures PDB files were extracted with name central_c{ID}.pdb
  5. -plot features_cluster.png : Plots of feature-vs-feature with different colors as clusters and central structure. This plot can be used for visual inspection of clustering.

Overall Results:

  • Cluster-1: conformations with Hydrogen bonds between A1.N7 and A17.H62 atoms
  • Cluster-2: conformations where distance between all these atom-pairs are between 0.5 to 1.5 nm
  • Cluster-3: conformations with Hydrogen bonds between A1.H61 and A17.N1 atoms
  • Cluster-4: conformations with Hydrogen bonds between A1.H62 and A17.N3 atoms
  • Cluster-5: conformations where distance between all these atom-pairs are between 1.5 to 2.5 nm

These results demonstrate that clustering is able to filter out the conformations based on these distances.